Attorneys Handling Customs Redelivery Notices
Customs Redelivery Notices
Even if goods have recently been released from Customs’ custody and into the importer's hands, that still may not necessarily put them beyond the legal reach of U.S. Customs.
All released goods are subject to the possibility of a "Redelivery Order" which is a document directing the importer to return the goods back into Customs custody.
The period of time for Customs to issue the redelivery is limited a "conditional release period" that extends 30 days from the date of release (however, note that the conditional release period for textiles and apparel is 180 days).[3] The conditional release period can be extended where input from other government agencies is required.
When a redelivery order is issued, many importers find it is impossible to redeliver the merchandise back to U.S. Customs since the inventory already been transferred to another buyer. This inability to comply with the redelivery demand means that U.S. Customs will proceed to assess liquidated damages (as contractual breach of the importer's bond conditions set forth in 19 C.F.R. section 113.62).
Junker & Nakachi, P.C., is known nationally and internationally as a top law firm in customs and trade law. The firm is headquartered in San Francisco, with offices in Washington, Los Angeles.
Our practice areas include classification, valuation, admissibility, customs detentions, seizures and penalty proceedings, and customs audits. We bring litigation, and handle numerous other types of issues arising in international trade. See our services listings.
Contact a firm attorney at (415) 498-0070.