Other projects and topics of interest :
Pro bono & trade outreach
We volunteer significant time each year to private pro bono advisory work, and we also work with associations in educational trade outreach events.
California Minority Counsel Program
As a minority owned law firm we supporter various organizations dedicated to the advancement of diversity and overcoming of racial and gender stereotypes within the bar. Prior members of the CMCP and current membership with the Asian American Bar Association.
UN Global Compact
We are a signatory to the worlds largest voluntary corporate sustainability initiative.
Efficiency boosting strategies
Our commitment is to improve and innovate using the best available tools to transform our practice and increase efficiency. We utilize the latest in legal project management, and specialized legal research in our field.
Supporting Exceptional Global/Local Work
Agreeing with the ideas of Mr. Kim President of the World Bank, we are ongoing supporters of Kiva.org.
We also support: Médecins Sans Frontières providing medical relief to victims of war/ disaster and One.org working against poverty .
Antiquities and Art
Ownership, provenance, valuation, and origin are fundamental aspects of international trade, and all of these issues can be particularly acute with regard to shipments of rare art and antiquities. From time to time, we've proudly helped artists, and others in the art world with these issues.