Customs Liquidated Damages
If an import bond condition as set forth in 19 C.F.R. section 113.62, has been breached by an importer, then U.S. Customs will proceed to assess liquidated damages. These monetary assessments are imposed for the contractual breach of the importer's bond conditions.
Other bonded parties within a supply chain (such as bonded warehouses and bonded carriers) can also be subjected to liquidated damages.
Some examples of a breached bond condition include, for example:
Failure to redeliver merchandise to Customs custody.
Failure to make or complete entry.
Failure to deposit duties, taxes and charges when due.
Failure to tender goods for examination.
If you face a liquidated damages case, please consult with an experienced Customs attorney.
We are attorneys who understand Customs liquidated damages cases
Feel free to contact a firm attorney at (415) 498-0070.
Junker & Nakachi, P.C., is known nationally and internationally as a top law firm in customs and trade law. The firm is headquartered in San Francisco, with offices in Washington, Los Angeles.
Our practice areas include classification, valuation, admissibility, customs detentions, seizures and penalty proceedings, and customs audits. We bring litigation, and handle numerous other types of issues arising in international trade. See our services listings.
Contact a firm attorney at (415) 498-0070.