Multilayered Wood Flooring and
Hardwood Plywood Products from China
Overview as to Antidumping and Countervailing Duties
Both multi-layered wood flooring, and hardwood plywood products from China may be subject to antidumping duties (AD) and countervailing duties (CVD). Both the ADCVD orders and these tariff provisions are complex and experienced counsel is recommended prior to importation of these types of products.
ADCVD issues are a "priority trade" issue of U.S Customs. As a consequence, importers should exercise care when potentially importing any such products.
Scope issues related to both orders can be complex, and scope exclusions issues may require formal resolution vis-a-vis a scope determination from the U.S. Commerce Department.
Importers wishing to confirm that their flooring products are indeed outside of the Scope of the Orders are encouraged to contact a firm attorney for additional information.
Our customs lawyers are known nationally and internationally for their work in customs and international trade law.
The firm's offices are located in San Francisco, California, Seattle, Washington, and Los Angeles, California.
Our practice areas include classification, valuation, admissibility, customs detentions, seizures and penalty proceedings, and customs audits. We bring litigation, and handle numerous other types of issues arising in international trade. See our services listings.
To schedule an appointment, please contact our offices at (415) 498-0070.
September 18, 2024: CIT sustains a DOC remand decision lower the rare for non-individually examined respondents in the 2016-17 review of multilayered wood flooring from China resulting in a 31.63% AD rate for those companies (lowered from 42.57%).
September 12, 2022: Commerce extends the deadline by 80 days to complete importer and exporter certifications for entries of certain hardwood plywood products and veneered panels from the People’s Republic of China (A-570-051 and C-570-052) assembled in Vietnam and that entered the United States between June 17, 2020, to August 28, 2022: See, CSMS # 53268520.